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型号 | 12V系列 |
☆ 电池的电解质含有气相二氧化硅的胶体物质,呈凝胶状态,不流动、无漏露、无酸液分层现象,电池槽、盖采用ABS材料热封方式,使用、运输中无漏液的危险,安全可靠。
The battery electrolyte containsfumed silica, and there is no flow, no leakage or no gradation of acid liquor. The battery slot and cover is made of ABS materials through hot seal. There is no risk of leakage during the utilization and transportation, and it is safe and reliable.
☆ 胶体电解质注入时为稀溶胶状态,采用过量电解质,可充满电池内所有的空间。电池在高温及过充电的情况下,不易出现干涸现象,胶体电池热容量大,散热性好,不易产生热失控现象,电池可在较为恶劣的环境下工作。
The gel electrolyte is indilutesol state when being injected. Excessive electrolyte can fill in all the space inside battery. Under circumstance of high-temperature and overcharge, the battery will not dryout. The gel battery has large heat capacity and goodradiation performance. It is not easy toappear thermal runaway. The battery can work under severe environment.
☆ 极板板栅结构为放射状结构,有利于提高活物质的利用率。合金采用铅钙锡铝合金,正极板耐腐蚀性能好,负极板析氢电位高,铅膏配方独特,电池深放电后再充电的恢复能力**,有很好的循环耐久能力,容量足,寿命长。
The grid of electrode plate is in radial structure, which is favorable for improving the utilization rate of active materials.Pb-Ca-Sn-Alalloy makes the positive plate have a good performance of corrosion proof and makes the negative plate have a highover-voltage of hydrogen evolution. Uniquelead paste formulaenables perfect recovery performance of battery recharging after deep discharging. The battery has strong cycle and duration performance, sufficient capacity and long life.
☆ 隔板采用进口的胶体电池专用PVC-SiO2隔板,其隔板孔率高,电阻低,电池内阻小。
imported PVC-SiO2separatoris used, whichis clapboard special for gel battery. It hasporous structureand low resistance and the internal resistance of battery is low.
☆ 极柱端子为镀锡铜端子结构,有利于电池的大电流的放电及电池间连接的可靠性。极柱的密封采用熔焊及树脂封合剂二次封合,密封可靠性高。
The terminal is in the structure oftin electrodepositedcopper terminal, which is favorable for discharging battery with large current and is favorable for the reliability of connection between batteries. The terminal is sealed through fusion welding and second seal of resin sealant, and the seal reliability is high.
☆ 接线端封闭式连接软线能有效防止因意外而发生的短路和遭受电击的危险。
The closed connection soft thread of terminal post can effectively prevent short circuit due to accidents or avoid risk of suffering from electric shock.